New To ZynVaded?

New To ZynVaded?

If you've never played a miniatures game or are new to the hobby, ZynVaded! EVO is PERFECT! An easy to learn, fun game with models that look like they just came out of a Saturday morning cartoon make ZynVaded! EVO a hit for gamers of all ages! For those who come from other figure-based tabletop games, ZynVaded! EVO will seem familiar but totally more fun!

A D10 system using 2 dice rolls to determine combat results, simple model stat lines and easy to learn Rulez, games of ZynVaded can be played almost anywhere in 20 - 30 minutes with minimal setup. With ZynVaded! EVO there is a surprisingly rich story as well as a whole lot of fun to be had painting the models. What we offer compared to competitors is affordable yet high-quality miniatures and an always developing lore.

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