The Earth - ZynVaded!

The Earth - ZynVaded!

The Zyn came to Earth to escape problems they were having on their homeworld. They sent probes out to planets all across the universe to investigate the potential for new homes, assessing resources available and gathering information on any indigenous life-forms they may need to “relocate.” One of those planets was Earth. The probe had crash landed and was damaged upon impact but still appeared to be functional. As it was programmed to do, the probe explored the immediate area, only able to send still images back to the Zyn as the video system was destroyed on impact. It discovered many primitive life forms that appeared to be made of metals or plastics and were surprisingly similar in size to the Zyn themselves. When the report was received back on the home world, the Zyn Monarch decided that Earth would be an easy target to invade and subjugate the inhabitants of. What the Zyn did not know was that the probe had actually landed on a gamers’ table and it had actually scanned the miniatures and terrain that were being used in a game! When the Zyn fleet arrived on Earth, a scout ship was sent to find an optimal landing zone for their invasion. This initial scout force was halted upon seeing humans' actual size and makeup, realizing they are in fact far, FAR smaller when compared to the human inhabitants. Due to the errors being discovered way too late, the fleet was unable to return to their home world with the few remaining supplies they had left on their ships. It was decided that after landing Earth-side, they would establish a beachhead (a makeshift headquarters) in the basement of a Chinese restaurant located in the Midwest, oddly enough named Zyn's Chinese Palace. From this base of operations, the Zyn began using the restaurant’s take-out deliveries to send their combat teams out to gather intelligence.

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